Mobil Metal Processing Oils


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Mobil Metal Processing Oils

Mobilcut 100 +

About Mobilcut 100

Mobilcut 100 is a high quality multi-purpose water emulsifiable metalworking fluid formulated to form a stable, superior quality, milky emulsion in a wide range of water hardness.

Advantages and Potential Benefits:

  1. Excellent protection against corrosion on components, fixtures and machine
  2. Multi-purpose capability reduces reduce cross-contamination problems


  1. Suitable for a wide range of ferrous and non-ferrous metalworking operations
  2. Diluted as a 95:5 water-oil mixture, it can also be used as a fire-resistant hydraulic oil
  3. Manufactured parts can be cleaned and protected against rusting by immersing them in a Mobilcut 102 emulsion at 66C - 82 °C, then allowing the parts to dry


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